Pages with the name of G-d (Hashem) on them
can't just be thrown out with your regular paper trash.
These pages are called Shaimos.
The following items must be treated as Shaimos.
This means they have to be buried in a Jewish cemetery.
- All actual books with Hashem's name (Seforim)
- All Birchat HaMazon (Grace after meals) booklets
- Tefilin Bags
- Mezuzos
- Torah Scroll
The following items are to be recycled or double bagged
but do not need to be placed in Shaimos
- All copies of Jewish Books (Seforim) even those which have the name of Hashem in them
- Workbooks with the name of Hashem written in them
- Newsletters with scriptual commentary (Divrei torah)
- Notebooks with notes taken from Torah classes
- Tzizis strings (Ritual fringes)
The following items may be thrown away in a single bag in the regular trash
- The cloth from Tzizis (Ritual fringes)
- Plastic bags used to hold the Tefilin (Phylacteries) bags
If you have any questions please contact your rabbi
before dumping unnecessary materials in Shaimos.
The information on this page is based
on the Psak (ruling) of Rav Aharon Soloveitchik Z"L
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