Q & A
Can Shabbas candles be placed on a side table or counter
or must they be placed on the table where the we eat the Shabbas meal?
- It is certainly preferable to place the candles on the same table where the shabbas
meal is being eaten. - If there are extenuating circumstances such as several women lighting & there isn't
enough place on the table for all the candles, the candles may certainly be placed
elsewhere. - A hotel guest, if the hotel permits, may light in the hotel room even though the shabbas
meal will be eaten elsewhere in the hotel.(Mishnah Berurah 263:46)
Can I use a flashlight for candle-lighting on Shabbas?
- For Shabbat candles, many agree that electric lights are fine,including the Beis Yitzchak,
Rabbi Aharon Kotler, & others; (see Yechaveh Daas 4:38). - Yet, some are stringent, as mentioned in Melamed Leho'il (1:46) & others - One of the
reasons being that turning on the switch is not considered an act of lighting. - Even those who permit electric lighting, permit it only where there is no other practical
alternative (bedieved). They all agree that it is preferable (lechatchilah) to light candles,
which are more clearly a special honor for the Shabbas.
If I live alone, am I obligated to make havdalah when Shabbas ends?
- The Shulchan Aruch (OC. 296:8) indicates that women are obligated to make Havdalah.
- The R'MA urges women to hear it from a male.
- But if that is not possible, then the woman should make Havdalah herself.
Can I take medicine on Shabbas?
- Medicine that requires dissolving
If you have started taking the medicine before Shabbat, you can dissolve &
drink it on Shabbat if your life would be in danger if you did not take it. (Shabbat 140a) - Medicine pill that requires no preparation
If you have already started taking the medicine before Shabbat, you are allowed to take the
pills even if your life is not in danger (Kovetz Teshuvot, siman 40; HaRav Shlomo Kluger,
Sefer HaChaim 328:10)
On Shabbas is it ok to move lamps & fans
toward the direction we want them?
- You can move a fan & direct it the way you need it.
- An appliance that can also be used without electricity like an electric blanket may be moved.
- An electric lamp that has a light bulb & a heater that has a glowing filament can't be moved.
- A refrigerator or freezer can't be moved.
- SOURCE: Igros Moshe (Orach Chaim 3:49, 4:91.5, 5:23)
Can you change the setting on a thermostat or timer on Shabbas?
- 1. Digital thermostat or timer
One must never change the setting on a digital thermostat or timer - 2. Mechanical thermostat
A. Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Aurbach, Zt'l allows lowering the temperature on a mechanical thermostat when the system is off but doesn't allow raising it even when the system is on
B. Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, Zt'l prohibits in all cases
C. Most thermostats are now digital or analog (not fully mechanical) & would therefore
be prohibited according to all opinions.
- 3. Mechanical Timer
A. Rabbi Shlomo Zalman AurbachZt'l allows you to change a mechanical thermostat if it
causes the electricity to go on or off later but not earlier on the condition that the 'peg'
is not taken out.
B. Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, Zt'l prohibits making any changes to a timer based on
Melacha (work) & Muktzah (untouchable on Shabbas & Yom Tov).
I'm not in good health & I sweat profusely.
This makes me very uncomfortable especially in the spring & summer months.
Can I shower on Shabbat to give me some relief?
- It is preferable to avoid showering if it's not required for relieving discomfort.
- However, if you do take a shower on Shabbat, you can only use cold water since
you can't heat water on Shabbat. (Shulcan Aruch 326:1) - If soap is necessary you can only use liquid soap.
- Don't use a towel to dry your body or your hair.
I do exercise for health maintenance but I also do it for pleasure
since it puts me in a good mood & my body feels refreshed & relaxed.
May I lift weights, jump rope or do exercise on Shabbat?
- In general it is not permitted to exercise aerobics & muscle workouts on Shabbat,
- This is considered refu'ah, an act of healinge who exercise for
health reasons still have
to strain for it & this is not restful. (Shulchan Aruch 301:1; Aruch Hashulchan 301:44).
- However, the Shulchan Aruch (301:2) writes that for youth who derive pleasure from
running, it is permitted to run on Shabbat & this is extended by the Shemiras
Shabbos Kehilchasa (citing from Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach; 16:39 note 99) to
exercising: If somebody takes pleasure from the exercising &it is not merely for
health reasons, it is permitted to do so. - You must be a careful judge over what is considered 'enjoyable' & what is strenuous
but beneficial. - Children enjoy running around & although they exercise they do not find it a strain
this is true for many sports, but usually not the case for lifting weights.
My 10 year old daughter has unruly hair.
Can I put anything in her hair to tame it a bit on Shabbos like oil, gel or spray?
If you style it first & then afterwards spray a little hairspray, it is permitted according to
many Poskim, as the spray is then only maintaining the hair's shape. - Spraying first, however & then styling it is prohibited. (See Biur Halacha Sim an 303:27
Dibur Hamaschil Lachuf)
Can I get a shoulder or back massage using oil on Shabbat?
- If the massage is part of a medical course of treatment, it is not permitted, unless
a person would be unable to function without it. - For a regular massage, that relieves tension, eases pain or for pleasure, the
massage is permitted but oil, not cream, may be used.
During the summer, it's really hot & humid where we live.
Our kids want to swim in our pool on Shabbas. Is that allowed?
- No, you can't swim in your pool on Shabbat.
- You also can't soak in your pool or jacuzzi either even if the water is lukewarm or cold.
- There's always the possibility that you might squeeze out water from a towel or your hair
which is not allowed on Shabbas. (Mishnah Berurah 326:25) - You also may be tempted to fix flotation devices or pool toys. (Orach Chayim 339:2)
We're going to be staying at a hotel in Miami for Shabbat.
Can we swim in the ocean if we don't carry anything when leave the hotel?
- You can visit the dry beach areas on Shabbas.
- You can't swim in the ocean or walk on the wet sand areas close to the ocean. (Shemiras Shabbos Kehilchasah 14:12; Yaskil Avdi 6:1)
In Yerushalyim, where of course there is an eruv,
I often see men on erev Shabbat & Shabbat morning,
carrying bags of garbage on the way to Beit Knesset,
to throw out on the way in a municipal garbage bin.
Is that a problem?
- One is permitted to throw out bags of garbage, especially if it has bad smell & is disturbing to those in the house.
- Obviously as you have stated, it needs to be inside the Eruv. (Shmirat Shabat 82.45)
Q & A Shabbas 2 | Q & A Shabbas 3
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