Everyday Day Family Questions & Answers
Page 4 - Medical
Can I take antihistamines without certification?
- First, please remember, that anyone with a life-threatening condition should take whatever medicines are necessary without hesitation.
- In general, tablets are preferable to liquid medications which may contain problematic ingredients.
- If no tablet alternative is available
1. The liquid should be diluted in water, juice or any liquid by a ratio of 1 to 6, which 1 oz of liquid to 1 teaspoon of medication.
2. This ratio should be done only in consultation with your doctor.
Many medications are encased in gelatin capsules.
May these be used?
Rabbi Belsky, zt”l would differentiate between two types of gelatin capsules
- Regarding medicines that are encased in hard gelatin capsules (such as capsules that are commonly used for antibiotics), Rav Belsky said that the minhag is to permit them for one
who is ill (a choleh).
- This is based on the concept that a choleh is permitted to consume non-kosher medicines, provided that one does so shelo kiderech achiloso – in an uncommon manner of consumption.
- Since it is uncommon to eat dried-out, plastic-like gelatin capsules, one who is ill is permitted
to swallow them.
1. It should be noted that this leniency applies only if a kosher alternative is not available.
2. Thus, as an example, one should not swallow Tylenol capsules since Tylenol tablets are readily available. - However, Rav Belsky felt that soft gelatin capsules, which are often used for vitamins, fish
oils & some over the counter medications, should not be used.
1. Since the gelatin is soft & pliable, Rav Belsky was concerned that swallowing gelatin in this form might not be considered an uncommon manner.
2. Additionally, these soft capsules are often made from pigskin gelatin & are kept soft &
pliable with large amounts of glycerin.
3. If one has no other alternative, Rav Belsky recommended wrapping the capsule in tissue paper, which is an unusual manner of consumption.
Going To The Hospital On Shabbas Or Yom Tov
Can I have a non-Jew drive me to the hospital on Shabbas or Yom Tov?
- Yes
- (Be'er Moshe 651).
Can my husband & my mother come to the hospital
with me on Shabbas or Yom Tov & if a non-Jewish driver takes us?
- Anyone who will help the expectant mother in both the physiological &/or psychological realms
is permitted to be picked up & driven along with the woman. - Included in this may be a husband, mother, mother-in-law, dula, birthing coach etc. assuming that they will provide physical &/or mental support to the woman in question. (Igros Moshe
O.C. 1;132g).
How can I pay the non-Jewish driver who takes me to the hospital?
- You can prepare the money (plus tip) before Shabbas or Yom tov. (Kovetz Ohr Hashabbos)
- It is better to place the money in an envelope beforehand because if one gives a very large
bill it is prohibited to accept change back from the driver on Shabbas. (Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata 32:55).
If I'm pregnant & feeling contractions on Shabbas or Yom Tov,
& I'm not sure it's true labor, can I call my doctor?
- Yes (Shevet Halevi 8:88)
- There are 3 other signs however that would allow a woman to do any melacha on,
Shabbas or Yom Tov even acts that are usually biblically prohibited like turning on lights,
driving etc.
1. She can't walk unassisted. (Shabbos 129a)
2. She see's a flow of blood. (S.A. 330.3)
If I'm able to walk into the hospital on Shabbas or Yom Tov
can I walk threw the electric doors?
- Only manual doors should be used unless this causes you undue hardship.
- If you're in
no condition to find a manual door.
1. Chazon Ish O.C. 50:9 says to walk right behind a non-Jew (see Yalkot Yosef 4:28, 29,
Rivevos Ephraim 5:268)
2. If you need your husband to help you walk in both of you can use the electric doors
(Minchas Shlomo:1, Hilchos Refuah1 pg. 36)
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