Both silken and regular tofu
can be found in soft, medium, firm & extra firm consistencies
They are made from the same ingredients
but they are processed slightly differently & are not interchangeable in a recipe
- Is available in 'firm' & 'extra firm' but most people don't think there's much of a difference
between the 2 types - Most recipes will let you know when silken tofu is needed
- Has the most water left in & has a soft texture but is likely to break up if you try and fry it
- Crumbles easily
- Don't press silken tofu
- Be gentle when slicing or it will fall apart
- Creates a thick & creamy texture
- Best used for salad dressings, sauces & desserts
- Is sometimes packaged in aseptic boxes that don't require refrigeration so they might
be in a different area in grocery stores that regular tofu - If it comes in an aseptic container it has a shelf life of up to a year if unopened
- If an aseptic container is opened, place any used portion with water in a covered container
& refrigerate for up to a week
- This tofu is more common than silken tofu
- Comes in a plastic container in the refrigerator or produce section of most grocery stores
- Firm or extra firm regular tofu is best used in stir fries, tofu bakes or any dish where you will want the tofu to retain its shape
- For recipes that call for crumbled or mashed tofu, such as mock ricotta or scrambled tofu,
firm tofu will work just fine, though medium or soft tofu will have a smoother consistency - Only regular or firm tofu needs to be pressed
- Is packed in water & always in the refrigerated section of grocery stores
- Is usually firm tofu that has been smoked like smoked cheese
- It often has some liquid smoke flavouring added to it
Tofu doesn't have much flavor
Delicate silken tofu is best left to broths, soups & stews
where it can soak up flavor without getting all smashed up
Firm tofu is best pan fried until crispy on the outside
& still a little soft inside or it can be roasted
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